5 Ways to Minimize the Spread of COVID-19 In Your Home

Wednesday Feb 24th, 2021

For health and safety reasons, cleaning should be part of your daily routine. The prevalence of COVID-19 has only increased the need for daily cleaning to become a standard procedure. However, if your schedule is too hectic to handle essential cleaning, that’s where Gem City Cleaning Solutions team of professionals come in! From houses and apartments to townhomes and condos, we’ll handle all of your residential needs.

In this blog,  Gem City Cleaning Solutions imparts its knowledge and highlights five ways you can minimize the spread of COVID-19 in your home to help ensure that you and your loved ones remain in good health.

1. Regularly Clean Surfaces

Professional cleaner cleaning surfaces with gloves on

Surfaces and other high-touch areas may be cleaned with regular supplies such as window cleaner, dusting spray, paper towels, and other related materials. But you shouldn’t stop there. We highly recommend following up with disinfectant wipes or spray to ensure that high-touch surfaces are sanitized. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that cleaning surfaces only removes dirt and some germs from surfaces, while sanitizing lowers the number of germs to a safe level according to public health requirements.

When cleaning these areas, consider wearing disposable gloves that can be discarded after use. Reusable rubber gloves, which eliminate waste and reduce recurring costs, may be used if washed afterward. Also, it's important to remember that you should still wash your hands with soap and water even if you've worn gloves to clean.

But not everyone has the time to keep up with a daily cleaning routine. That’s why we offer various residential cleaning services.

2. Wash Your Hands

While hand sanitizer could work in a pinch, the CDC recommends washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to effectively remove germs, bacteria, and chemicals from your skin. One recommendation is to sing “Happy Birthday” twice or the ABCs to ensure that you wash your hands for the appropriate duration.

According to the CDC, there are several critical times to clean your hands, such as:


  • Preparing food
  • Eating
  • Caring for someone who is sick
  • Treating Wounds


  • Preparing food
  • Caring for someone who is sick
  • Treating wounds
  • Using the toilet
  • Changing diapers
  • Touching an animal, its food, or waste
  • Touching garbage
  • Blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing


If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

3. Increase Ventilation

Woman opening window for fresh air.

Increasing ventilation in your home is another way of minimizing the spread of COVID-19. Given that the COVID-19 remains in the air for up to three hours and is more likely to spread indoors than outdoors, ventilation ensures that contaminated air is not recycled or stagnant.

To provide fresh air, consider:

  • Opening windows and screen doors when weather permits
  • Using fans to increase air circulation
  • Decreasing occupancy in rooms
  • Checking and changing air filters
  • Investing in a HEPA fan, filter systems, or an air purifier

4. Clean and Disinfect Clothing

It remains undetermined how long the COVID-19 virus remains on clothing and other related materials, which is why clothing should be immediately removed and washed after worn in high-traffic areas. The same goes for jackets, gloves, and especially face masks. Infection can occur by coming into contact with someone who has the virus or simply by interacting with a surface that has been contaminated.

When handling clothing that may be contaminated, as per the CDC’s guidelines:

  • Avoid shaking dirty laundry
  • Wear disposable or reusable gloves that are disinfected
  • Follow the manufacturer’s washing instructions
  • Use the warmest washing and drying settings
  • Disinfect clothes hampers
  • Wash your hands with soap and water after handling

If you do not have a washer and dryer in your home and must visit a laundromat, be mindful of what you touch and come in contact with. It is advised to bring hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes along with you on your journey. And, if possible, consider bringing two different laundry totes: one for transporting dirty laundry and one for taking your clean clothes back home. Consider calling the establishment prior to visiting to figure out what their COVID-19 protocols are just to be safe.

5. Follow State Protocols

Red COVID-19 social distancing sign

In addition to mask mandates, it is imperative that you maintain social distancing and remain six feet apart, especially from those who do not live in your home. Check with the CDC’s guidelines to find your state and county’s individual protocols. And, as always, avoid individuals who may be sick or may have been in contact with someone with the virus. Remember that the best way to avoid spreading or acquiring the virus is to remain at home unless absolutely necessary.

If you wish to hire a service during these uncertain times, check-in with your state’s protocols to determine which services are essential and permitted. Then, call the company you’re interested in potentially hiring to see what COVID-19 protocols they’ve established. If you are in the home while the cleaning professional is present, remember to stay six feet apart, wear a mask, and wash your hands. To review Gem City Cleaning Solutions, click here.

Staying Safe With Gem City Cleaning Solutions

At Gem City Cleaning Solutions, safety is our number one concern. Our team of professionals strives to ensure that your home is spotless and that no residue is left behind while maintaining your safety and the safety of our employees. Contact us today for more information on what we have to offer or book a service now!

Thank you, Gem City Cleaning Solutions!

Erie, PA

“My house has never been cleaner!”

-Jane S.

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“FANTASTIC job .. extraordinary!!”


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“Sensational cleaners! I am recommending them to my friends and family.”

-Christina G.

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“Thank you so much!!! The house is lovely. You did an awesome job! Grateful for you!!”

-Jodi A.

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“Did an amazing job for an extremely reasonable price!! Absolutely thrilled with the deep move in cleaning they did on my new home!”

-Kelly C.

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“Really impressed with this small business owner's attention to detail as well as her hands-on approach. The entire first experience was above all expectations and we are looking forward to many more to come.”

-Ronald K.